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re-identifying tonality of urban sets in marginal zone of Tehran


design by: Zohreh Shaghaghian (architect)

research by : Sepideh Farjami (urban planner)

Margins in the contemporary cities are dynamic, they may just change to a new center. In recent decades metropolitan mono Centralities have been developing rapidly, transforming to multi central cites. The periphery, has the potentiality to become a secondary center which defines a new core between new centralities. The character of the margin is interstitiality, where everything takes place in between. In line with city growth in time, an edge of a city is a place that is not only in between inner and outer urban fabric, but also is in-between past and future. A passive centrality which has the potentiality to become a new centrality and a hot zone.
In many cases cities define their borders by huge ring belts. A ring belt as an infrastructure contains interstitial system with surrounding voids. “The void points to the absence of intentions. The void is the absence of architecture. The void is the domain of unfulfilled promise and unlimited opportunity.” Colonizing the Void, Hand van Djik
According to the method of laboratory of professor Contin. based on Pedro Ortiz methodology We research and do the project about dynamic territory of Tehran and how the urban clusters in metropolitan regions result in dynamicity in territory development and its effects in different scales. The project presents how the local and micro scale and urban units result the development of territory in macro scales. In line with the main aim of the project, multi-central contemporary city of Tehran, We constitute three matrix and tonalities of suburb, fringe and new centrality, and we work on them in three groups. The southern fringe of Tehran is the project that we focused on. This edge can be mentioned as the strongest direction of city growth of Tehran. The importance of the project is not only as an edge of the city but also as a strategic position which is between Eslamshahr (new centrality) and Ghalemorghi (urban void). Similarly to many cases, Tehran has set its boundary by an infrastructure. Azadegan highway passes from a network of landscape sets which form the margin of the city.

This separated multiple meaning fringe has sets of landscape that begins from the most polluting industrial zone in the west, continues to agricultural lands, mix of post industrial landscape, spontaneous housings,… and ends to the historical rudimentary core of Tehran, Rey city. Rey, origin city of Tehran, current can be considered as a regional touris attraction for its religious holy shrine Shahabdolazim.
The sets of landscape that occur in our margin have a common tonality that have not adhere well to each other along the edge. What we have attempted during the analysis is to extract those participant characters of the segregated, not well connected sets of landscape and try to loom them as an identified corridor of marginal landscape. This project is in line with the current propose of the municipality of Tehran for continuing the green vertical corridors from north to south. Our project is to discover those end points of corridors in the south and connect them As an interstitial hot zone between Tehran and new centrality of Eslamshahr.
At the end we chose the complex node to focus on, it’s like an organic cluster between the two other zones, it is rurban, and it has almost all the features in itself working with local and territorial scale, works like a multiple zone. (It’s the mix of urban settlements, industries and agriculture with the barrier of infrastructure of highway and railway in between. It’s the one exactly in between the main train station and international airport of Tehran.) There are all these contrasts in this area. What we worked on is how to fix this contrast in the matter of making and seeing it as a positive feature and not negative. working with urban skin and buffers to loom and infill void volume we analyzed urban patterns; local, urban and regional, with different scales to solve these conflicts.


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